American Business Etiquette


Following our article on how to behave in New York City, it’s time to turn to the sometimes more challenging unwritten rules of doing business in the U.S.  Business etiquette can be a crucial part of successfully establishing yourself in NYC; small misunderstandings and offenses can affect your ability to network and establish relationships.Since offense… Continue reading American Business Etiquette

Dining out in NYC


While New York City is known for many things, perhaps most notable is the amazing food and incredible restaurant scene found in any neighborhood. One can find a huge variety of cuisine in New York City, from fine French dining to your local Indian spot – but though you may find familiar food, the experience… Continue reading Dining out in NYC

Social Etiquette in NYC


Nothing is ever really considered “out of the ordinary” in New York City, but there are rules within the chaos. The city’s nature makes time and space critical aspects of living in New York City and, when compromised, residents are not afraid to share their true feelings.  If you plan on living in New York,… Continue reading Social Etiquette in NYC