Entrepreneur Portrait: Gary Levitt, Mad Mimi


Gary Levitt, a native of South Africa, came to New York City in 2000 to be a Jazz musician. Several gigs, various jobs, and eight years later, he decided to start an email marketing business along with his brother, Dean. Today, Mad Mimi brings in several million dollars revenue each year and employs over two… Continue reading Entrepreneur Portrait: Gary Levitt, Mad Mimi

Who Are The Most Successful Immigrants in the US?


It’s hard to pinpoint exactly which immigrant group has been the most successful in the United States. A number of outstanding individuals who’ve emigrated to escape civil war or create businesses have risen above the ashes and done pretty well for themselves and their families. But sometimes individuals of a particular nationality or heritage seem… Continue reading Who Are The Most Successful Immigrants in the US?

Global Cities: Seoul – Making Up for Lost Time


The Korean Peninsula has historically been filled with a homogeneous society, but recently Seoul has been making strides to become a global city. The recent tourism program, the rising number of English academies, and new progress initiatives for international business, Seoul is working hard to offer up the best of itself to the world. This… Continue reading Global Cities: Seoul – Making Up for Lost Time

Why Won’t New York City Share?


We’re living in an innovative age, where technology makes many aspects of life easier and more convenient – but sometimes bureaucracy can get in the way of convenience. This is never more clearly demonstrated than when it comes to the local government’s resistance to allowing peer-to-peer renting (as demonstrated by the ongoing cases against Airbnb)… Continue reading Why Won’t New York City Share?

Entrepreneur Portrait: Thomas DeGeest, Wafels and Dinges


Thomas DeGeest, formerly an IBM consultant, came to the US from Belgium in 1997. Since then, he has abandoned corporate culture and, in 2007, re-invented the waffle scene in NYC with his bright yellow “Wafels and Dinges” food trucks. This summer, he took an even bigger step by opening a permanent location on Avenue B… Continue reading Entrepreneur Portrait: Thomas DeGeest, Wafels and Dinges

How Green is NYC?


The average New Yorker today is much more aware of the importance of caring for the environment than his or her grandparents, but even with ever increasing awareness, we must ask ourselves, how green is NYC in practicality and where does it stand amongst its global counterparts?The push for cities to become sustainable goes back… Continue reading How Green is NYC?