A Case for Distributing Economic Development


Prior to each TEP, W2NYC and International Week, we talk to each participating startup and explain the program, but more importantly we ask about their objectives for coming to New York City. Over the last five years two things have significantly changed:  From “great to know” to “must know” In the beginning, companies came without… Continue reading A Case for Distributing Economic Development

The New Detroit


I believe New York City is the center of the universe, of course. However, in the summer my family and I travel to other places to find out whether that is still true, and my belief becomes an educated assumption. This year we explored some truly amazing places. The praise goes something like this: “If we… Continue reading The New Detroit

New York City in 2015: Trends to Watch


This is the time of year for lists. We asked ourselves: “What topics from New York City will hit the news outside of the city in 2015?” Here is our list of trends to watch in the five hottest categories. BUSINESS Review: 2014 was a good year for NYC businesses with a record number of… Continue reading New York City in 2015: Trends to Watch

Vienna’s Innovation Scene Is Quickly Approaching the Global Radar


In our article series portraying upcoming global tech centers, Vienna, with its Pioneers Festival and growing startup scene, has long been on the agenda. We had a chance to attend the festival in October of this year, and were struck by how much innovation has sprung up in this city in recent years.With more than… Continue reading Vienna’s Innovation Scene Is Quickly Approaching the Global Radar

The International Agenda for New York City’s Mayor


When Bill de Blasio announced his 60-person strong transition team would assist him in selecting the members of his administration, it was interesting to note that there was no international representative on the team, a fact which could be both positive and negative.The positive: because the world is increasingly organized by topic rather than region, focusing on the… Continue reading The International Agenda for New York City’s Mayor