NY State – Growing the Economy through International Business Exchange


With the rapid building of global online presences, it seems that economic borders are becoming less of an obstacle in company growth. Businesses are increasingly catering to global audiences thanks to the instantaneousness of electronic communication and the ability to outsource work to various time zones. So why are we seeing an increasing number of… Continue reading NY State – Growing the Economy through International Business Exchange

Workspace in New York City Today and Tomorrow

NYC’s workspace landscape is developing constantly: shipyards which were once dedicated to supplying the US fleet with aircraft carriers are now home to 3D printing companies and urban manufacturers; buildings which once housed large-scale manufacturing companies are now being retrofitted as co-working spaces for smaller tech companies. There is a lot going on in the… Continue reading Workspace in New York City Today and Tomorrow

Who is Doing What in NYC?: How the City Can Help Your Business


It’s not always easy navigating all the organizations and institutions in NYC which offer help to startups. The unveiling of Digital.nyc is a big boon to tech startups in terms of gathering many resources together in one place. But what other government sponsored help is available? DIGITAL.NYCThe City’s newest resource for tech companies brings together… Continue reading Who is Doing What in NYC?: How the City Can Help Your Business

Entrepreneur Portrait: Bram de Zwart, 3D Hubs


When visitors walk through the door of Brooklyn’s New Lab they immediately feel surrounded by the entrepreneurial spirit of new manufacturers, innovation-driven designers, and prototype crafters. It is in this environment that we visited Bram de Zwart, the newest member in the facility at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. The Dutch-native is co-founder of the Amsterdam-based… Continue reading Entrepreneur Portrait: Bram de Zwart, 3D Hubs

NYC International Day: Growing Local Economies through International Entrepreneurship


For the first time, the Transatlantic Entrepreneur Partnership (TEP) is hosting NYC International Day as part of the yearly conference program. Although the partnership was built on the idea of forging a closer collaboration between the New York City and Berlin entrepreneurial communities, it is becoming clear that in a globalized world broader international entrepreneurship… Continue reading NYC International Day: Growing Local Economies through International Entrepreneurship

What are You Worth?


When moving to a new country, most people are ready for there to be cultural differences. There are things that you can expect and prepare for. But what is not always so easy to anticipate is differences in the work culture of your new home. Thing such as business etiquette, how to present your resume… Continue reading What are You Worth?

Why Starting Up in Queens is a Great Idea


What is Queens? A) A borough of neighborhoods. B) The most diverse county in the world. C) The home of the two busiest airports in the Northeast. D) The fourth biggest city in the world, if it weren’t incorporated into the Big Apple.All of these statements are true, and it is for these reasons and… Continue reading Why Starting Up in Queens is a Great Idea

First 90 Days at Atelier: A Belgian Incubator Space in NYC


We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – New York City is the place to be for startups looking toward global expansion. The Belgians clearly know this as evidenced by the recent opening of Atelier, the brand new incubator for Belgian companies in NYC. “One of the largest key markets to succeed in… Continue reading First 90 Days at Atelier: A Belgian Incubator Space in NYC

Top 7 Tech and Startup Weeks in New York


Restaurant Week, Fashion Week, Flood Awareness Week, Sunshine Week, Community Week … we could really go on all day. New York City is home to dozens of themed weeks aimed at boosting local NYC businesses, helping communities, aiding a cause, highlighting an industry, or educating people on a subject. Although most of the themed weeks… Continue reading Top 7 Tech and Startup Weeks in New York

Why New Manufacturing is the Next Big Thing: An Interview with Calvin Chu


Calvin Chu, Managing Director of the R/GA Connected Devices Accelerator, powered by TechStars, shares his thoughts on the emergence of new manufacturing in New York City. Chu is a specialist in hardware and “Internet of Things” trends, and is also a member of the World to NYC advisory board. On Wednesday, May 14, Calvin will speak… Continue reading Why New Manufacturing is the Next Big Thing: An Interview with Calvin Chu