In our busy, technology-driven world, more than ever our inboxes are being filled to the brim with emails and promotional offers from our favorite sites, news sources and products. Many sources offer useful information that is often beneficial to staying on top of your business and staying competitive in New York’s markets, yet the amount… Continue reading Top 5 NY Business Newsletters Every International Should Read
Tag: Business
Five Communication and Pitching Tips for Entrepreneurs
So, you’ve decided to dive into the rough and challenging waters of the tech startup world. As a visionary, you’ve got a great idea for a new product or service and perhaps the expertise to execute it. Sooner or later though, you’ll need to clearly communicate and pitch your idea to potential business partners, employees,… Continue reading Five Communication and Pitching Tips for Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneur Portrait: Thomas DeGeest, Wafels and Dinges
Thomas DeGeest, formerly an IBM consultant, came to the US from Belgium in 1997. Since then, he has abandoned corporate culture and, in 2007, re-invented the waffle scene in NYC with his bright yellow “Wafels and Dinges” food trucks. This summer, he took an even bigger step by opening a permanent location on Avenue B… Continue reading Entrepreneur Portrait: Thomas DeGeest, Wafels and Dinges
US Resumes Do’s Don’ts and Differences
There are a lot of differences to get used to as an international moving to NYC, but how you present yourself professionally is perhaps one of the most important points to make sure you get right. While many New York companies are making the move to LinkedIn rather than using traditional resumes, there are still… Continue reading US Resumes Do’s Don’ts and Differences
English in the City: Brushing up on Business and Conversational English Skills
In New York City, speaking and understanding English is necessary for running a business – it is the language which brings together ideas, clients and progress. Sometimes, however, knowing how to speak a language and being able to communicate clearly in that language are separate things. Reducing your accent, practicing communication and knowing the jargon… Continue reading English in the City: Brushing up on Business and Conversational English Skills
How and Why to Have a Green Business in NY
When someone says “green business” you might get the image of a shop selling hemp trousers or biodegradable coffee mugs, but the fact is green is no longer a novelty niche market and more and more businesses are not just selling green products, but operating in an environmentally friendly “green” manner. Historically, the US has… Continue reading How and Why to Have a Green Business in NY
The B-Corp Boom and What it Means for You
You’ve heard of green companies – companies which give back to the environment, or at least, endeavor not to destroy it – but what about companies which give back not only to the environment, but to society as a whole? There’s a new kind of classification for these companies and it’s taking the business world… Continue reading The B-Corp Boom and What it Means for You
Business Development for International Startups: The US and Austria have a Lot to Learn from One Another
When it comes to starting a business, it is always beneficial to learn from others’ mistakes and experiences. This was the aim at the international entrepreneur roundtable discussion hosted at the St. Regis Hotel on July 11 by New York International and 21st Austria, a private initiative to foster a dialogue between Austria, Central Eastern… Continue reading Business Development for International Startups: The US and Austria have a Lot to Learn from One Another
Five of the Biggest Mistakes Startups Make
Startups are hard. Most first time founders fail. Sometimes the mistakes made are recoverable; other times they will sink the company. I have compiled a list of common fatal mistakes and how to recover from them swiftly without costing the fate of the company. 1. Lack of Focus When a company sets out to build… Continue reading Five of the Biggest Mistakes Startups Make
Diversifying Manhattan’s Industries
New York City has several large industries which have for years been the backbone of the city’s economy. From Wall Street to the booming fashion industry, worldwide attention is focused year-round on one or the other of the Big Apple’s big earners. But what happens if one of these industries falls into a slump? Why… Continue reading Diversifying Manhattan’s Industries