Top 15 Fun Things to Do With Kids in New York City


While New York City is widely known as a great vacation spot, it is often overlooked as a good spot to take your whole family, especially if you have small children. Have you ever wondered what the local New Yorkers do with their children for fun?With countless attractions and some of the most beautiful parks… Continue reading Top 15 Fun Things to Do With Kids in New York City

POPS: Privately Owned Public Spaces in NYC


In New York City, boundaries can affect everything. The price of your apartment, the prestige of your address, and the school your children go to all, in the end, rely on location.Equally, what you can do in that location comes down to ownership. Is that cheap office in Tribeca somewhere you could live? Not if… Continue reading POPS: Privately Owned Public Spaces in NYC

Social Etiquette in NYC


Nothing is ever really considered “out of the ordinary” in New York City, but there are rules within the chaos. The city’s nature makes time and space critical aspects of living in New York City and, when compromised, residents are not afraid to share their true feelings.  If you plan on living in New York,… Continue reading Social Etiquette in NYC

Boating in NYC


With the incredible weather (more accurately known as a heat wave) New York is enjoying at the moment, it can be hard to be as active as you might like. While jogging in Central Park is wonderful on most days, when the dial is pushing 100F it gets a lot harder…and it’s not exactly healthy!… Continue reading Boating in NYC