Top Advice from International Entrepreneurs


Thinking of starting your business in the US? See what these successful international entrepreneurs have to say about focus, encouragement, and why you should choose NYC. PLANNING AHEAD If there’s one thing an entrepreneur should learn early, it’s to plan ahead. Whether you are planning a small local business, or are creating an app that… Continue reading Top Advice from International Entrepreneurs

New York City’s Burgeoning Technology Industry seeks to Revolutionize Urban Manufacturing and Job Creation


Since 2000 New York City has lost more than 100,000 manufacturing jobs, largely due to national outsourcing trends and the economic downturn. Once bustling industrial neighborhoods have now been out-paced and out-priced by residential complexes, rezoning and the general rise in the cost of everything. But times are changing. In 2011 the federal government initiated… Continue reading New York City’s Burgeoning Technology Industry seeks to Revolutionize Urban Manufacturing and Job Creation

Barcelona: Mobile World Capital


“The Least Spanish City,” as Barcelona has become known, bears the nickname with pride. Catalonian flags fly freely from every window, a sign of the deep, historical desire for independence. Barcelona, with a metropolitan area population of 5 million, is the largest city on the Mediterranean. The city attracts over 35 million visitors a year… Continue reading Barcelona: Mobile World Capital

Global Cities: Tokyo – Held Back by Tradition?


Having lived nearly my whole life just outside of New York City I had always thought it was one of the greatest cities in the world, and I still do. But there’s nothing like travel to broaden one’s perspective. Until I moved to Tokyo I had never realized how different cities could be and how… Continue reading Global Cities: Tokyo – Held Back by Tradition?

Four Steps to Starting a Business in New York City


You’ve been thinking about starting a business and now you’re ready to make it official. You’ve identified the goods or services that you’re bringing to the market; you’ve identified your potential client base. You’ve got a great idea, a business and marketing plan, you might even have funding. Now it’s time to roll up your… Continue reading Four Steps to Starting a Business in New York City

The Super Bowl Comes to New York City


American Football is by far the most popular sport in the US with the biggest game of the year, the Super Bowl, drawing a national television viewing audience of over 100 million as well as a few million international viewers every year. Super Bowl XLVIII is expected to bring in at least $600 million to… Continue reading The Super Bowl Comes to New York City

Entrepreneur Portrait: Jennifer Lee, ClosetDash


 Jennifer Lee is the founder and CEO of the new startup ClosetDash. The website is an environmentally friendly, clothes shopping platform for professional women based in New York City. Since the company’s launch in March 2013, ClosetDash has taken in about 11,000 items of clothing. We talked with Jennifer about her startup and working in… Continue reading Entrepreneur Portrait: Jennifer Lee, ClosetDash

The International Agenda for New York City’s Mayor


When Bill de Blasio announced his 60-person strong transition team would assist him in selecting the members of his administration, it was interesting to note that there was no international representative on the team, a fact which could be both positive and negative.The positive: because the world is increasingly organized by topic rather than region, focusing on the… Continue reading The International Agenda for New York City’s Mayor

Top 5 NY Business Newsletters Every International Should Read


In our busy, technology-driven world, more than ever our inboxes are being filled to the brim with emails and promotional offers from our favorite sites, news sources and products. Many sources offer useful information that is often beneficial to staying on top of your business and staying competitive in New York’s markets, yet the amount… Continue reading Top 5 NY Business Newsletters Every International Should Read

Why Ashton Kutcher Invests in Berlin: Europe’s Up-and-Coming Startup Hub


Berlin is becoming one of the most promising tech startup hubs in Europe, according to The Economist, Wired, and many other sources with their eye on global startups. The city’s coolness factor, its “poor but sexy” vibe, and many unique structural advantages attract founders and investors from all over the world. These days if a… Continue reading Why Ashton Kutcher Invests in Berlin: Europe’s Up-and-Coming Startup Hub