The World in NYC: Korea


Walking through shopping and business districts in midtown Manhattan, you might not expect to stumble upon karaoke bars, Bibimbap hotspots, and grocery stores carrying more types of kimchi than you can count, but that is precisely what you will find on the small stretch called Korea Way – 32nd Street between Fifth Avenue and Broadway – in… Continue reading The World in NYC: Korea

Global Cities: Bangkok – City on the Rise

Bangkok is a city that has seen a dramatic transformation over the last 25 years from a third world city to a thriving hub of culture with a growing economy. Unlike London, Tokyo, or New York, Bangkok is new in its position in global finance and business and is sure to experience some growing pains.… Continue reading Global Cities: Bangkok – City on the Rise

New York on the Move: The Future of Mobility


On May 21st the BMW iVentures team invited a selected group of New York investors, entrepreneurs and tech professionals to their 7th mobility meetup. Good timing for the gathering: With Internet Week taking center stage in New York, the bike share program finally commencing on Memorial Day weekend, and Tumblr, the New York based blogging company, being… Continue reading New York on the Move: The Future of Mobility

An International’s Guide to Renting in NYC

Finding and securing a rental apartment in New York City can be a challenging process. Being prepared and familiarizing yourself with New York City’s unique rental process will give you the best chance of getting an apartment. Preparing The first step is to make sure you know what documents will be required. You should begin… Continue reading An International’s Guide to Renting in NYC

Entrepreneur Portrait: Christian Ruehmer, Proyecto Horizonte

New York International recently met with Christian Ruehmer on The High Line in Chelsea to talk about NYC’s startup scene and why New York is a great base from which to operate an international charity.Christian is an entrepreneur, co-founder of a charity, and a consultant for microfinance and small banks. Having built a life in… Continue reading Entrepreneur Portrait: Christian Ruehmer, Proyecto Horizonte

Citi Bike: Standing Among International Precedents


After much trial and tribulation, New York City’s bike share program, Citi Bike, is finally set to launch at the end of this month. The program, originally conceived in 2011, has experienced a variety of setbacks and delays both from natural disasters such as Superstorm Sandy, and from protests by New Yorkers about implementation. At… Continue reading Citi Bike: Standing Among International Precedents

5 Reasons for NYC’s Explosive Startup Scene


Five years ago, New York City experienced a huge economic downturn as the financial crisis of 2008 left thousands of unemployed workers from Wall Street and the big industries supporting the financial sector. However, as few as five years later the city has a burgeoning tech scene and startup community; more than 450 startups have… Continue reading 5 Reasons for NYC’s Explosive Startup Scene

Mayor Michael Bloomberg: An International Retrospective


 Michael Bloomberg, three time mayor of New York City and businessman with a net worth of $27b, has had in impact on the city like few other people. As his mayoral term comes to an end in November, the changes in New York City’s social programs, health legislation, financial regulations, and so many more matters… Continue reading Mayor Michael Bloomberg: An International Retrospective

NYC’s Government: How it Works


When moving to a foreign city, understanding how the political system works can be a complicated affair. Even if you are not able to vote in the city’s elections, it is best to be informed on who’s in charge and how policy changes take place. As a resident, these will certainly affect you!New York City… Continue reading NYC’s Government: How it Works

Immigration Laws for International Entrepreneurs and The “New Office” L Visa


A big challenge for international entrepreneurs ready to set up new businesses is the US immigration law. Current legislation makes it difficult to get visas based on the creation of small startup enterprises and while it looks like immigration reform is inevitably coming – it is a slow-moving process. The US Senate has drafted a… Continue reading Immigration Laws for International Entrepreneurs and The “New Office” L Visa