Dining out in NYC


While New York City is known for many things, perhaps most notable is the amazing food and incredible restaurant scene found in any neighborhood. One can find a huge variety of cuisine in New York City, from fine French dining to your local Indian spot – but though you may find familiar food, the experience… Continue reading Dining out in NYC

Sick and Confused? The Basics of the US Medical System


Some aspects of moving to a new country are easier to understand than others. While you may be able to understand the subway system and how to find some of your favorite foods from back home, other aspects don’t rely on intuition. One area of living that is different in almost every country is healthcare… Continue reading Sick and Confused? The Basics of the US Medical System

Living Green in NYC


New Yorkers drive less, live in smaller apartments, use less space, and overall have a smaller ecological footprint that most other Americans. Most New Yorkers don’t own a car but rely on public transportation, many of us shop at the local farmer’s market, and visit parks – yet we can still do so much more… Continue reading Living Green in NYC

A Guide to US Holidays


What’s more fun than working in NYC? Not working in NYC, of course. Especially nice are those days off work when you get to relax, perhaps get away, and get out of the office without any need for an excuse. But which days exactly will you be able to take off?  In the US, certain… Continue reading A Guide to US Holidays

Social Etiquette in NYC


Nothing is ever really considered “out of the ordinary” in New York City, but there are rules within the chaos. The city’s nature makes time and space critical aspects of living in New York City and, when compromised, residents are not afraid to share their true feelings.  If you plan on living in New York,… Continue reading Social Etiquette in NYC

US Tax Basics


It’s that time again! Tax season is a stressful time of year for many people, but it can be even more so if you are new to the country and unsure how the system works. It doesn’t need to be so bad though – we offer gere some general information about how taxes work that… Continue reading US Tax Basics